Submit Voting Item

Voting items are voted on at the end of the general meetings held on the final Monday of every month. They can be anything from moving the time of a meeting, launching a new chapter campaign, changing our bylaws or anything in between. Your email address will be used to verify you are a member of the chapter and to contact you in case any clarifying questions need to be answered prior to the general meeting. Only voting items submitted by active members of the DSA will be considered for a vote.
Amendments to the bylaws can be submitted through this process. Amendments can only be considered at the general meeting 30 days after their submission. Resolutions are passed by a simple majority vote of DSSL members present at the general meeting. Amendments require two-thirds of members present to vote in favor of an amendment for it to be adopted.
Submit Voting Item
Why should the chapter consider this resolution?
What are you asking from the chapter should we adopt this resolution?